We are very excited to be transitioning from paper charting to electronic charting!! Our nurses will now be able to chart in real time and client families will also have the capability of looking at their child's information through a client portal.
Our teams have been working hard on developing this new feature in client homes and providing small group trainings to all staff. Overall, this has been a positive change for employees, clients and client families!
Here is what a couple nurses and a family member had to say about the transition:
"It's been a game changer with the transition. I feel like I have more time in my day to focus on my client." - Field Nurse, LPN
"I love it! I wish we would have done this years ago." - Field Nurse LPN
"I love it! It's so quick for the nurses to do their charting now and it's very nice having a lot less paperwork coming in. Also, I love having everything in real time, especially medication and treatment changes!" -Parent of client